Creative Writing Techniques And Craft Tips For Poems, Short Stories, Essays, Novels, and Creative Nonfiction

Looking for tips on creative writing craft and techniques? You’ve come to the right place! We’ve collected our most informative articles on both the craft of writing and the best creative writing techniques—all here, in one convenient place. You’ll find great advice on: characterization, writing description, showing vs. telling, beginnings, endings, sagging middles, and much more. We also cover many creative writing techniques for authors of novels (and all books), poetry, short stories, personal essays, memoir, and other nonfiction.

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Techniques For
All Genres | Better Prose | Memorable Characters | Books | Poetry | Short Story | Essay

Craft And Technique Tips For All Writing Genres

Sentence Length: The Power Of Placing Periods—With good technique, your period placement can have a big impact on readers. Here’s how!

Repurposing Words: Surprise Your Readers With Unusual Word Choices—Craft exciting sentences by using unexpected, creative words.

Putting Verve In Your Verbs—Let’s zero in on your verbiage, or verb usage, and harness the tremendous power of active verbs!

How To Find Your Voice As A Writer—If you’re trying to find your voice as a writer, you’re not alone.

How To Write A Great First Line (With 12 Unforgettable Examples)—Here are some examples of first lines from literature that offer great insight into opening line techniques.

How To Craft A Great Title For Your Book (Or Story Or Poem)—A weak title can deter editors and agents before they read a single sentence of your work. Here’s how to craft a great title.

The Forgotten Fifth Sense: Are You Making Use Of This Little Used Writing Technique?—Most writers routinely use four of the five senses. Are you missing the fifth?

9 Rhetorical Devices You’ve Never Heard Of But Might Already Be Using—In addition to familiar rhetorical devices like metaphor and alliteration, many literary techniques with obscure-sounding names also add impact to your writing. In fact, you’re probably already using them—at least occasionally!

Creating Mood And Atmosphere In Your Writing—To become a better writer, you need a conscious, practical sense of the tools you can use to manipulate mood, atmosphere, and tone in your writing.

Be Honest: 5 Self-Editing Tips For Increased Objectivity—It can be hard to “see” your own writing as it truly is. These editing tips will help.

Mail Call: Is It Okay To Reuse Phrases From Your Own Work?—Have you written a line so perfect, you want to use again (and again)? You’re not alone. Here’s what to do.

The Moral Of The Story: 7 Tips For Socially Or Politically Conscious Creative Writing—If you want to influence the world with your writing, you need to be well-informed, bold, and aware of your own predispositions and intentions.

Literary Locales: What Great Books Teach Us About Setting—Setting will be important in almost every piece you write. Here’s how to craft great, evocative settings.

Four Ways To Organize Your Writing (Or Not) Before You Sit Down To Write—Put your best foot forward each time you start writing by using these smart techniques.

The One Thing All Great Love Stories Have In Common—And What It Means To Your Writing—If you’re crafting anything with a romantic element, you must know this important writing technique.

Words And Phrases You Don’t Hear Anymore—We’ve dusted off some of the more unique words and phrases you don’t hear anymore! Perhaps some of these will add a sense of nostalgia or historic accuracy to a story or poem you’re writing.

How To Write A Happy Ending That Doesn’t Fall Flat (A Checklist)—You’ve undoubtedly experienced the unhappiness of a quickly resolved, artificial happy ending. When writing a book or story, don’t let your eagerness to please your audience backfire!

Will Your Characters’ Love Story Stand The Test Of Time? Take Our Self-Test!—Writing a love story? Take this quiz to see if your couple’s romance will resonate.

7 Tips For Writing Realistic War Stories—Writing about war can be tricky: Some readers might be sensitive about graphic depictions of war and violence; others may have a hard time understanding what’s happening if you don’t go into detail.

The Author’s Unofficial Guide To Critique Translation. Having your writing critiqued during a workshop or writers group meeting can be an emotional minefield. But being able to accept critique and make effective use of good feedback is what most writers should strive for.

What Is Women’s Fiction?—While romances, mysteries, and sci-fi novels often have pretty clear characteristics, women’s fiction is so wide, the parameters are difficult to define.

4 Creative Essentials For Better Sports Writing—You might think that writing about sports is limited to news articles and sound bites. But with the right training (and eating your Wheaties), you can develop the skills to write about sports creatively and effectively.

Sex And Literary Journals: Are Your Sex Scenes Killing Your Shot At Publication?—You’ve heard the old maxim “sex sells.” But when it comes to submitting to literary journals, your sex scenes might just be too much of a good thing!

9 Tips For Writing Believable Horror And Suspense. Smart writers of horror and suspense know all the tricks for preying on the fears of their readers. Suspense is in the details!

How Important Is “Writing For The Market?”—You’ve mastered craft and technique. But what about market considerations?

You Want Me To Do What? Dealing With Agent Or Editor Revision RequestsHere’s what to do if a literary agent or editor demands a change to your writing.

15 Exercises To Strengthen Your Writing—Looking for ways to build your writing muscles? Check out these 15 exercises!

Ways To Back Up Your Writing In The 21st CenturyThe twenty-first century offers easy ways to effectively back up your writing so it’ll never be lost and can quickly be recovered. Find out what they are here!

7 Sneaky Ways Writers Get Distracted From Work Without Realizing It. Some distractions seem legitimate, but are actually—gasp—procrastination in disguise! Learn about these distractions and how you can ignore them to better focus on your writing.

How To Come Up With The Right Title For Your Poem (With Examples)Writing a poem is hard. Coming up with a title can be harder! Find out here how to come up with the right title for your poem!

Writing Career Need A Boost? These 8 People Can Help. These 8 people can help writers boost their writing careers. Get support from writers and professionals in the publishing business.

4 Things You Should Know When Writing A Character Based On An Actual Person. Here are 4 questions to consider when writing a character based on an actual person in order to avoid pitfalls due to motive, genre, research, and legal issues.

10 Shortcuts, Workarounds, And Hacks That Give You More Time To Write. Not sure how to budget your writing time? Check out these tips and tricks to give yourself more time to write!

5 Elements Found In Great Titles Of Books, Short Stories, and Poems. Though opinions may vary, Writer’s Relief has found some common themes among exceptional titles. Here are five key elements that can help your title stand out and command attention.

Writer: Make Figurative Language Work For You! If you know how to use figurative language correctly, you’ll add color and life to your writing. Here are different types of figurative language and tips on how to make them work in your writing.

8 Unbeatable, Strong Ways To Start Your Story, Poem, Or Essay. Here are the best tips and techniques for creating an attention-grabbing, strong start to your story, poem, or essay.

5 Writing Tips To Improve Your Final Draft. The experts at Writer’s Relief know that there’s a good chance you still have more work to do before you’re ready to submit to literary editors and agents. Use these writing tips to improve your final draft and boost your odds of getting published.

Should Writers Write Every Day? The Pros And Cons. “Write every day” isn’t advice that works for every writer. Check out the pros and cons of writing every day!

Writers: How To Edit And Revise Your Work—Ask Writer’s Relief. In this latest installment of our “Ask Writer’s Relief” series, we’ve collected the best advice on how to edit and revise your work without losing your original inspiration.

5 Tips For Writing A Multi-POV Short Story Or Novel. While using multiple POVs can make your writing dynamic and hook your readers, it can be very difficult to pull off—there’s a lot to juggle! Here are some tips for writing a successful multi-POV short story or novel.

The Best Writing Advice…From Animation Artists. Here’s the best writing advice from an unexpected source: animation artists! Writers can learn a lot from the skills animators use to breathe life and energy into their work.

Writers: Eye Care Tips To Reduce Eyestrain. It’s important for writers to take care of their vision and protect their eyes! Here are our best eye care tips to help reduce eyestrain while writing.

Cool Writing Tips…From An Ice Cream Scooper. Here’s the scoop on how to entice and delight an audience right from an expert—an ice cream scooper at an ice cream shop. Turns out there’s more to pick up from behind the ice cream counter than a stray M&M or sprinkles!

Writing Tips And Support…From The IT Help Desk. The experts at the IT help desk are pros at troubleshooting your computer. The same skills can be used to reboot your creativity and bust through writer’s block.

How To Edit Your Writing And (Almost) Kill Your Darlings. When you’re reluctant to hit the delete button to edit your writing, we have a tip that can help: Almost kill your darlings!

3 Pieces Of Writing Advice You Can Safely Ignore. Check out these three pieces of writing advice that you can safely ignore right now and still create great work that literary editors, agents, and readers will enjoy.

How To Write A Great Fight Scene For Your Story. Our writers here have some tips that really pack a punch! Here’s how to write a great fight scene for your story or book.

How To Bring Your Old Writing Back From The Dead. Your buried, unfinished projects or old submissions might just garner your next acceptance letter. Here’s how to effectively revive your old writing and breathe new life into your acceptance rate.

Writing With A Co-Author: The Pros And Cons. Some writers choose to collaborate with a co-author to share responsibilities. However, working with another writer can also introduce new hurdles to overcome. Here are the pros and cons of writing with a co-author.

Why You Should Leave “Gaps” In Your Writing. A skilled writer understands the importance of letting readers interact with the text so they can fill in the details that are left out (aka the “gaps”). Here’s how to successfully leave gaps in your writing for your readers.

How To Rewrite Myths, Legends, And Fairy Tales. There are several tricks to successfully updating a classic favorite. Here’s how to rewrite myths, legends, and fairy tales so they are fresh, new, and worth reading.

Know When To Give Up On A Writing ProjectShould you keep trying, or give up on a piece that seems to be going nowhere? To guide you in making that decision, the experts at Writer’s Relief have a list of signs to help you know when to give up on a writing project.

Improve Your Powers Of Observation To Be A Better Writer. Improving your powers of observation is a learned skill. With these tips, you can become more descriptive and enhance your creative writing skills.

3 Ways Perfection Can Hurt Your Writing. Constantly striving for perfection might actually hinder your ability to finish your work or get published. Watch out for the 3 ways perfection can hurt your writing.

How To Write Powerful Climate Fiction. If you want to write powerful climate fiction that will engage your readers—and maybe even influence change—here are a few guidelines.

5 Writing Mistakes That Are Surprising Opportunities. Some writing mistakes can actually become surprising opportunities! Here’s how to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

Writing With Humor: Flex Your Funny BoneFlex your funny bone and enhance your writing with some humor with these tips!

How Using Analogies Can Improve Your WritingAn analogy is a great way to get your readers to use logic, make inferences, and understand highly specific dynamics. Here are our best tips on how using analogies can improve your writing.

How Using Vivid Verbs Improves Your WritingThe verbs you use can display emotion, enhance setting, and bring your story to life. Here’s how using vivid verbs improves your writing and keeps your readers engaged!

Can’t Write? Then S.I.N.G.! You feel like you can’t write, but don’t give up yet! If you can’t write, just S.I.N.G.!

Use Color Theory To Improve Your WritingAdding the right colors to your writing can bring images to life for your reader. Here are our best tips for using color theory to improve your writing.

Meanwhile: How To Write The Passage Of TimeHow do you write the passing of time? Here are the best ways to effectively show the passage of time in your story.

How Beat Sheets Work For Creative WritersA “beat” is a moment that moves the story forward, and a “beat sheet” can be a useful tool for outlining short stories, novels, and memoirs! Here are some tips on how beat sheets can work for creative writers.

How Cognitive Bias Can Affect Your Writing. Cognitive bias is an error in thinking that occurs when what we’re interpreting doesn’t match up with our sense of logic, so we draw our own conclusions—which may or may not reflect reality. Here’s how cognitive bias can affect your writing.

How To Get Back To Writing After A BreakThe great thing about writing is that you can always start up again! However, it may seem difficult to get back into your creative routine. Here are our best tips on how to shake off the dust and get back to writing after a break.

Don’t Lose Your (Writer’s) Voice! When outside influences or lack of use threaten to silence what’s unique about your writing, here’s how to ensure you don’t lose your writer’s voice.

What To Do About THAT And Other Filler Words. A multitude of filler words lurk in writing submissions. Here’s what to do about “that” and other filler words weakening your writing.

Why Writers Should Procrastinate More OftenBelieve it or not, dawdling and delaying can help improve your writing! Here’s why writers should procrastinate more often.

How To Write For A Global AudienceHow can you ensure your writing appeals to and is understood by a diverse audience? Wherever your readers are, these writing tips will guide you in how to write for a global audience.

How To Write A Romance Story Readers Will Love. Your romantic storyline should intrigue readers and get them invested in how things will turn out between your characters. Here’s how to write a romance story readers will love!

Don’t Let Your Creative Writing Be Run By CommitteeWhile your readers and writing community can offer input that might improve your work, don’t let your creative writing be run by committee. Here’s how to accept or reject advice and not lose your unique voice.

Common Writing Questions And The Best Answers. From how to create a great title, to composing dialogue, to sending out submissions and more, we have several articles to help writers improve both their craft and their odds of getting published!

6 Creative Writing Tips For BeginnersAfter evaluating thousands of writing submissions, we’re offering the 6 best creative writing tips for beginners!

Why You Might Want To Write Scenes Out Of Sequence. It might seem odd or messy to write out of sequence, there are benefits to creating scenes out of order—and also one caveat. Here’s why you might want to write scenes out of sequence!

How To Conduct Writing Research Like A ProEven if you’re writing fiction, it’s important to get your facts right. Here are some great tips and advice to share about how to conduct writing research like a pro.

Too Tired To Write? Here’s How To Beat Burnout. Instead of feeling inspired and motivated, you may be exhausted, stressed, and too tired to write. Take our advice on how to beat burnout and reignite your creativity!

How Habit Stacking Can Improve Your WritingHabit stacking is when you identify a current habit you have and attach—or stack—a new behavior you want to develop. Here are a few tips on how you can use habit stacking to improve your writing!

Can Body Doubling Improve Your Writing? While it sounds like a science project gone awry, body doubling is simply another term for “accountability partner.” Here’s how body doubling can improve your writing.

How A Plantser Writing Style Offers Extra BenefitsThe terms “pantser” and “planner” (or “plotter”) are often used to describe a writer’s preferred style of writing. We’ve also noticed a third writing style: Plantser! Here’s how a plantser writing style offers you extra benefits.

Title Or Story: Which Should You Write First? Which should you write first: the title or the story? Here are some writing tips and advice to help you solve this conundrum.

How To Take A Purposeful Break From Writing (And Why)Believe it or not, putting down that pen or stepping away from the keyboard can actually improve your writing! Here’s how to take a purposeful break from your writing—and why you should.

Monster Mash-up: Tips For Combining Writing GenresCheck out the best hacks for combining different writing genres to stitch together something your readers will love!

How To Survive Co-Writing With Family Or FriendsCo-writing with family or friends can be fun, but can also introduce the need for compromise. Here are our lighthearted—and very useful—tips on how to survive co-writing with family or friends.

Avoid These Filter Words To Strengthen Your WritingYour writing is often tighter and more dynamic when you edit out superfluous words. Let us help you avoid unnecessary words and strengthen your writing!

5-Step Creative Writing Exercise Using The 5 SensesThis unique, 5-step creative writing exercise using the 5 senses will strengthen your writing and help keep your readers intrigued.

Can Prewriting Really Improve Your Writing? Prewriting is an effective writing strategy that can help you generate new ideas, narrow your focus, and improve your writing overall!

HINT: Learn more about staying motivated and inspired while you improve your writing craft and technique!

Techniques For Crafting Better Prose

Fiction Or Nonfiction? Memoir Or Novel? Know What To Call Your Story Or Book—First things first: What is it that you’re writing, exactly?

Is It Prose Poetry, Short Prose, Or Flash Fiction?—Not sure that your writing is really, um, “prosey” enough to be called prose? Here’s what to call your short creative piece.

How To Write A Good First Line (For Books, Novels, Short Stories, Essays, and Articles)—Start off write—we mean, right!—with these first line techniques.

Point of View Techniques—Few decisions are as important as deciding who should tell your story. Here’s how you choose the right POV for the right tale.

“Show, Don’t Tell”: This Essential Craft Axiom Finally Explained—All writers have heard, “show, don’t tell.” Here’s how to make this timeless writing technique work for you.

The Goldilocks Approach To Writing Description: Not Too Little, Not Too Much—Some descriptions go on too long. Some are lacking. Here’s how to get it just right.

I Have A Dream: 8 Heart-Stopping Rhetorical Techniques Of King’s Speech—MLK might be the king of rhetorical techniques; all these years later, he still has lots to teach writers!

5 Strategies You Can Use To Get The Most Out Of A Writing Prompt—Use these writing techniques to turn a simple writing prompt response into a masterpiece!

9 Key Elements Of Great Endings For Books And Stories—Here are the writing techniques that will show you how to take your ending from good to great.

Writing Sex Scenes: How Much Is Too Much?—Read up on ways to write sex scenes in mainstream fiction. Why? Because bad sex scenes are REALLY bad.

Setting: Using Scene To Enrich Your Writing Craft—Set the scene for a great story or poem by focusing on your setting.

The Craft Of Fear Mongering: How (And Why) To Scare Your Readers—Many people love reading something scary! Here’s how to amp up the fear factor, whether you’re writing about zombies or family picnics.

How To Write Fiction Based On Real Life—Is your true story the stuff of fairy tales or nightmares? Here’s how to turn real life into fiction.

Stop Sagging Middle Syndrome: 5 Plot Devices That Will Amp Up Your Story—Whether you’re writing a short story, memoir, or novel, you’ll need to keep readers turning the pages, especially through the middle of your story. Use these creative writing techniques.

Writing Advice From A Snowstorm—Grab a blanket, a cup of hot cocoa, and your laptop or your favorite pen. Here are our best snowstorm-inspired tips for writers.

7 Short Story No-Nos That Smart Writers Always Ignore—At Writer’s Relief, we know not many writing rules are set in stone. Some of these no-no’s may actually help your writing!

Quick! Here’s How To Write Great Flash Fiction—How do you write a whole story in a super-condensed form? Writer’s Relief outlines the best tips and pointers to help you write great flash fiction.

5 Easy Exercises To Help You Write Believable Dialogue—Check out these few tricks and exercises that will help you write engaging, believable dialogue.

The 5 Most Important Elements Of Great Short Stories—Here are some must-have elements that make the difference between a “good” story and a “great” short story—which will also boost your odds of getting an acceptance from a literary journal editor.

How To Spot And Fix Plot Holes In Your Short Story Or NovelFix the plot holes in your short story or novel by using these expert tips.

5 Techniques To Tighten Your Story’s Sagging Middle. If editors and readers lose interest in the middle, they’re not going to stick around until the story’s end. Here’s how to tighten your story’s sagging middle and keep readers interested.

Writing Strategies: Should You Plot It Or Wing It? Should you plot your story, or let an idea take you where it may? That depends on the writer. Here’s how you can determine if you should plot it or wing it when writing.

How To Best Shorten Your Short Story. If you want to boost your odds of getting published, it’s important to shorten your short story and make it as tight and concise as possible without losing anything essential.

10 Genius World-Building Tips For Sci-Fi Writers. Sci-fi readers are sticklers for accuracy, even if the book is grounded in fantasy. Here are the best world-building tips from the sci-fi and fantasy (SFF) geniuses at Writer’s Relief.

Write Like Hemingway: What You Should Leave Out. If you find you tend to overwrite, taking a few lessons from Papa Hemingway’s technique can help you cut back and tighten your writing.

How To Avoid Passive Voice In Your Writing. The best way to avoid grammar mistakes is to have all the facts. Here’s how to avoid using passive voice in your writing and sentence construction.

How To Write A Vivid Setting And Improve Your StorySetting can be more than just a pretty backdrop. A vivid setting is capable of holding influence over character and plot and can be used as a tool to improve your story and enhance your writing.

How To Include Foreign Language In Your Fiction. At Writer’s Relief, we know adding layers to your characters and worldbuilding helps create a believable narrative. Here’s how to accurately and effectively include foreign language in your fiction writing.

Writing An Unreliable Narrator: Our Best Tips. When readers encounter an unreliable narrator, they are challenged to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions. Use these tips to create an unreliable narrator!

How To Write A Short Story Or Novel With Multiple Protagonists. A story with multiple protagonists can be compelling if written properly, but could also be confusing for your readers. Here’s how to successfully write a short story or novel with multiple protagonists.

How To Build Tension And Suspense In Your Writing. There are two main elements to tension and suspense: pressure and momentum. Here’s how to build tension and suspense in your writing.

How To Write Plot Twists Readers Will EnjoyA well-written plot twist can boost a book’s or short story’s odds of success. Here’s how to write plot twists that your readers will enjoy.

Using Tropes When Writing: The Pros And Cons. A trope can act as shorthand for your readers so they have clear expectations. But they can also be overdone. Here are some pros and cons of using tropes when writing.

The 6 Best Ways To End A Blog Article. The ending of your blog post will leave the biggest impression on your readers. Here are the 6 best ways to end a blog article so that your readers stay engaged and keep coming back for more!

How To Write A Flashback Scene That Makes SenseBecause they can affect the momentum of your short story or novel, creating an effective flashback can be tricky. Here are some writing tips and advice on how to write a flashback scene that makes sense and works in your story.

What’s An Inciting Incident And Why Write One? An inciting incident is an event that changes the character’s course and thrusts them into the action of the plot. The experts at Writer’s Relief have some advice and a few tips about writing an inciting incident—and why you should.

How To Write Foreshadowing That Hooks ReadersForeshadowing allows you to build tension by leaving a subtle trail of clues to maintain your readers’ interest. Here are some great tips on how to write foreshadowing that hooks your readers!

How Story Maps Can Improve Your WritingOften used to help organize story elements, story maps are an excellent addition to any author’s writing tool kit. Check out how story maps can improve your writing by helping you manage your plot, characters, and themes!

How The First 1,000 Words Can Make Or Break Your Story. Your short story or novel has, at best, only a few paragraphs to grab your reader’s interest. Make your first 1,000 words count!

30 World-Building Questions For Fiction Authors. While three-dimensional characters are essential to a story, be careful you don’t overlook another important element: the setting! Here are 30 world-building questions fiction authors can use to make settings more compelling and interesting.

5 Steps For Writing A Fish-Out-Of-Water StoryThe fish-out-of-water trope is an effective way to begin or advance a story, heighten tension, or add a comedic element. We recommend these 5 steps for writing a successful fish-out-of-water story.

7 Things Readers Hate To See In A Story Or NovelIf you want to boost your odds of getting published and want readers to love your writing, be sure to avoid these 7 things that readers hate to see.

Use A Decision Tree To Write Better StoriesEach choice your characters make carries weight. So which will they make? Here’s a writing technique that can help you whittle down your options and improve your focus: Create a decision tree!

Take Your Story Idea From Nugget To NovelHow can you now turn your nugget of an idea into a finished, fully realized narrative? Here are a few tips to help you develop your shiny new story idea into a great novel!

Writing A Flashback Scene: Our 5 Best TipsFlashback scenes can keep your readers informed and entertained, but it’s not always easy to move seamlessly between time periods. Here are some tips for writing an effective flashback scene.

Misdirection And Other Sneaky Ways To Hook ReadersUsing misdirection is a great way to grab your readers’ interest and keep them turning the pages. Here are tips on how to use misdirection and other “tricks” of the trade to hook your readers.

Characterization: Techniques For Crafting Memorable Characters

Character Development In Stories And Novels—New to the concept of character development? Start here!

5 Ways To Make Your Characters More Three-Dimensional—Flat characters are forgettable. Dazzle readers with well-rounded characters using these writer techniques.

5 Ways To Craft Characters That People Care About—Sympathetic characters are compelling characters. Here’s how to make us love your MCs!

Characters We Love To Hate: How To Pull Off Unlikable Characters—We love to read about cringe-worthy characters. Are they unlikable? Unsettling? Yes. Can we possibly sympathize and like them anyway? You bet!

How To Pick The Right Names For Your Characters—It can be hard to come up with the right name for your characters; here’s how to choose!

Main Characters: How To Kill Your Protagonist Without Killing Your Fanbase—If you’re going to kill your MC, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it.

Write Strong Female Characters Without Being Cliché. From superheroes to career women to stay-at-home moms, strong women come in many forms. Here are some tips to help you create a believable, well-rounded, strong female protagonist.

Fictional Politicians: 8 Things They Teach Us About Effective Characterization Techniques—Politicians are perennial favorites with readers—and with good reason! Cast your vote for the most useful writing craft tips here!

4 Things You Should Know When Writing A Character Based On An Actual Person. Before you write a character based on a real person, here are four questions you should consider.

Character Archetypes From A To Z. The writers at Writer’s Relief (yes, we’re writers too!) assembled a list of the most identifiable and popular character archetypes from A to Z.

6 Tips For Writing A Protagonist Readers Will Love. Why are some characters so popular with readers—and how can you craft a similar protagonist for your novel or short story? Here are some tips for writing a protagonist readers will love.

5 Ways To Write Character FlawsHuman imperfections can make your characters more relatable. Here are 5 ways to write flaws that will make your character three-dimensional without making them unlikeable.

How To Write Insecure CharactersCharacters with insecurities can help build empathy with your reader, as well as impact story progression. Here’s how to write insecure characters who will resonate with readers.

9 Ways To Make Your Characters More CompellingCompelling characters are those that have agency and dimension—they draw in your audience so that readers become invested in their decisions and future. Here are 9 ways to make your characters more compelling.

How Clothes And Fashion Can Define A Character. Dialogue and action help move your plot forward, but there’s another element that many writers overlook: clothes.

How Character Gestures Can Enrich Your StoryNonverbal cues can be just as important as what your characters say. Here are some writing tips and advice on how character gestures and body language can enrich your story!

How Positive Character Traits Can Be Negative, and Vice VersaWhen it comes to writing characters, positive traits aren’t always beneficial and negative traits can work to a character’s advantage. Here’s how positive character traits can actually be negative, and vice versa.

Writing Craft And Technique: Just For Book Writers

Mail Call: Should A Writer Finish His/Her Book Before Submitting?—Okay, this isn’t exactly a craft question. But the answer is important to your success!

Genre Fiction Rules: Find Out If Your Novel Meets Publishers’ And Literary Agents’ Criteria For Publication—Once you’ve mastered your craft and technique, be sure to master your book genre (including word count)!

How Do You Know If Your Novel Is Literary Or Mainstream Fiction?—How long is a general fiction book? Craft plays a key role in deciding whether a book is literary or mainstream (commercial). Let us be your guide.

How To Revise Your Novel—Are you in the beginning stages of revision? Start here to get the best results.

Think Like A Doctor: Diagnose And Cure What Ails Your Book—Grab your stethoscope and listen to these time-honored techniques of self-editing.

Why Your Opening Pages Are Key To Landing A Literary Agent—Not convinced that your first five pages need to display your very best writing techniques? Let’s try to change your mind!

Five Tips For Your First Five Pages—Make the opening pages of your book shine with these important craft tips.

5 Things Novelists Can Learn From Screenwriters—Here’s your ticket to the blockbuster plotting and characterization techniques of screenwriters.

5 Tips For Creating A Strong Excerpt From Your Novel Or Memoir—Excerpts can help you get your book published! Here’s how to create a buzz-worthy stand-alone excerpt.

7 Best-Seller Elements To Make Literary Agents Want Your Book—Have you crafted a book with strong popular appeal? Read this to find out!

The Book That Everyone Will Love: Writing For Young Adult And Adult Audiences—Some authors can write books that appeal to young and old readers alike; here are the key techniques for reaching such a wide audience.

New Adult Fiction: The Next Big Thing In Publishing?—New adult fiction readers are between the ages of 18 to 30. Here’s how to reach them!

How To Craft A Synopsis For A Novel—Write a killer synopsis with these important tips.

5 Common Synopsis Mistakes That Fiction Writers Make—Avoid these synopsis writing pitfalls!

6 Ways An Outline Helps You Write A Book Faster (And One Way It Might Not)—One of the best ways to get yourself organized so you can write your book faster is to create an outline. Write your outline with these tips!

How To Use Screenwriting Techniques To Improve Your Novel. There are screenwriting techniques and tips that can help improve a novel and make it more engaging for readers. Here’s what novelists can learn from screenwriters!

12 Key Differences Between Middle Grade And YA Books. If you’re thinking about writing for teen or tween audiences, it’s important to know all the ways that Middle Grade books and Young Adult books differ. Here are the key differences between Middle Grade and YA Books.

The Craft Of Poetry: Creative Writing Techniques For Poets

Is It Prose Poetry, Short Prose, Or Flash Fiction?—If your poetry reads like prose, it may be more difficult to define your genre. But we can help.

Free vs. Formal Verse Poetry: A List Of Types Of Poems—Know your free verse from your formal, traditional styles.

Seven Techniques You Must Know To Make Editors Notice Your Poetry Submissions—Editors receive sooo many poetry submissions. Make sure your poetry stands out by using these techniques!

Poetry Submission Turnoffs: Styles And Formatting That Make Editors Cringe—There are no written-in-stone rules for crafting poems. But today’s editors eschew these poetic notions!

Length Matters: The Best Length For Submissions—Did you write a poem that is prohibitively long or short? Find out here!

Un-Think Your Poetry: How To Craft Better Poems—Want better results when you make submissions to literary journals? Don’t think about it—read this!

Rhyming Poetry: DOs, DON’Ts, And DEFINITIONS—Rhyme is tricky. If you are going to make rhyming submissions, know how to craft a good rhyming poem.

Rhyming Poetry Techniques That Don’t Annoy Readers—Good rhyming poetry is difficult to write well—but not impossible. Consider this a master class in rhyme.

Ten Writing Techniques To Make Your Poetry Submissions Stand Out In A Crowd—Competition for literary magazine space can be tough! Here’s how to make sure your poems are exceptional!

How To Craft Confessional Poetry—Your poems may be deeply confessional. But are they publishable? What your confessional poetry must do to get an editor’s attention.

Fostering Originality In Poetry Submissions—Yes, it’s all been done before. But maybe you can do it better.

The 8 Signs You’ve Written A Good Poem—It can be difficult to know whether you’ve written a good poem. Here are some signs that a poem is solid, successful, and has a good chance of getting published.

Make It Easy For Editors To Say YES To Your Poems—Use these poetry writing techniques to improve your chances of getting an acceptance letter.

The Nature Of Nature Poetry: 5 Techniques For Writing Your Best Nature Poems—How to craft inspiring nature poems.

3 Ways To Improve Your Poetry In Under Ten Minutes. Want to give your poetry a quick, effective boost? Try one of these methods!


Short Story Craft: Techniques For Short Story Writers

Short Story Or Novella? Where To Publish Shorter Fiction—Will your short prose be more publishable as a story or as a novella? We’ll help you decide.

Short Prose Genres: Defining Essay, Short Story, Commentary, Memoir, and Mixed Genre—If your short story incorporates any elements of nonfiction, read this!

Starved For Inspiration? 12 Ideas to Get Your New Story Started—What should you do when you’re trying to write a short story, but you can’t find inspiration to get started? Don’t quit—try one of these suggestions!

8 Techniques To Up The Drama Factor In Your Short Stories—Craft a more dramatic and emotional short story using these tips.

5 Techniques To Develop Your Short Story Into A Novel—You wrote a great short story—here’s how to expand your idea into a novel!

5 Ways To Shorten Your Short Stories—Check out these can’t-miss techniques for concise story writing.

Short Story Shortcuts: 4 Techniques For Making A Big Impact In Few Words—Every word in your short story must multitask if you want it to make a big impression.

Short Story Checklist: Techniques For Getting Short Stories Published—Use our checklist to see if your short story is ready for possible publication!

Is Your Short Story Publisher-Friendly? 8 Ways To Make It Easier For Editors To Say YES!—These short story techniques will make it easier for editors to send you an acceptance letter.

Want To Publish Your Short Stories? Be Fresh!—Here are the best writing techniques for imbuing your short story with originality.

The Long And The Short Of It: What’s The Best Length For A Short Story?—The word count of your writing submission can make or break your odds of getting an acceptance. Learn how to determine the best length (word count) for a short story here!

Free Tutorial: New Short Story Ideas For Timeless Topics — Use this free tutorial and short story idea generator to come up with new short story ideas for timeless topics.

How To Arrange Short Stories In A Collection. If you’re determining which stories to include in a collection, check out these helpful tips on how to arrange short stories in a collection.

How To Pace Your Story: 1-2-3 Writing Tips. The pace of your story will help keep your readers moving through the story as events and scenes unfold. Here are our best writing tips for how to pace your story.

The One Sentence That Improves Every Short StoryThere’s a single sentence that can improve every short story you write. Here are some tips and advice on how to write that sentence!

Nonfiction Writing Craft And Technique Tips: Memoir, Personal Essays, And Other Nonfiction

Fiction Or Nonfiction? Memoir Or Novel?—Know what to call your story or book: Is your story based partly on real life? Or maybe you’ve disguised names and places? Here’s how to determine your genre.

Can You Make Up Dialogue In Memoirs Or Nonfiction Books?—As a memoirist, you can’t be expected to remember every word spoken to you. So how should you craft dialogue?

Not-So-Great Advice: 7 Needless Errors Self-Help Writers Make When Trying To Get Published—Avoid these self-help writing pitfalls when crafting your book!

How, Why, And When To Write An Introduction For A Nonfiction Book—Readers (and editors, and agents) love to see introductions for nonfiction books. Master the technique by starting here.

Creative Nonfiction: How To Stay Out Of Trouble—How “creative” can you really be when writing creative nonfiction or your memoir? Use these smart nonfiction writing techniques to avoid problems and legal pitfalls.

The Art of the Nonfiction Book Proposal—Here’s the best way to organize and write a proposal for a nonfiction book.

Is It Worth Your Time To Write A Memoir?—Some people say you have to be a celebrity to publish a memoir. We weigh in.

In With The Old; Publishing Memoir In The New Year—Writer’s Relief president Ronnie Smith talks about the importance of writing memoir.

How And Where To Submit Creative Nonfiction For Publication—Creative nonfiction is fast becoming one of the most popular literary genres. But it’s important to find the right publisher(s) for your creative nonfiction (aka narrative nonfiction).

Writers: How To Write a Great Personal Essay—Ask Writer’s Relief—In this installment of our Ask Writer’s Relief series, you’ll find plenty of tips and tricks to help you write a great personal essay that will intrigue literary editors and readers alike!

Writers: How To Write A Great Memoir—Ask Writer’s Relief. In this installment of our Ask Writer’s Relief series, you’ll find lots of great advice to help you write a memoir that will intrigue literary agents and readers alike!

8 Tips To Transform Your Writing From Blah To Ah! If your writing has become a bit “ho-hum,” these tips from the experts at Writer’s Relief will help you transform your writing from “boring” and “Blah” to “vivid” and “Ah! Wonderful!”

5 Ways To End Your Creative Nonfiction Essay. You can’t change the facts, but you can change how you present them. How you ultimately end your creative nonfiction essay will make the difference between an intriguing, engaging read and one that falls flat.

Autobiography Or Memoir: What’s The Difference? Many writers are confused about the distinctions between autobiography and memoir. Here are the differences, as well as writing tips to help you get started.

How To Write A Personal Essay Worth Publishing. Literary editors and readers enjoy personal essays that share lessons and explore the quirks of human nature in a relatable way. Here’s how to connect with your readers and write a personal essay worth publishing.

How Nonfiction Writers Can Connect With ReadersHow do you keep readers interested in your nonfiction book? Here are some tips and advice to help nonfiction writers effectively connect with readers!

How To Write About Trauma In Your MemoirWriting about disturbing themes in your memoir can be challenging, but it can also help you—and your readers—come to terms with these life-changing events.


Closing Notes: Improve Your Craft And Your Technique As A Writer

We hope you’ve found this collection of articles about writing craft and technique to be helpful. Please stop back again soon: We regularly update this Free Writers Tool Kit with great new links!

For more information about how the team here at Writer’s Relief can help you submit your creative writing for publication in literary journals (or representation at literary agencies), visit our About Us page. And if you’d like to repost any of our articles, you can! Just contact us for details.

In the meantime, please SHARE this page with other writers you know. They—and we—will appreciate your kindness!



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“Getting that first poem published was the hardest threshold to cross. My team at Writer’s Relief kept encouraging me…then came the acceptance! We celebrated…then I continued writing, and Writer’s Relief continued doing the wonderful work they do!”

—King Grossman, Writer
(Watch King’s video testimonial here!)

“Every piece I have sent out with their help has been accepted for publication! I am looking forward to working with the team on getting my new novel out into the world.”

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