Curate A Writing Playlist That Inspires Creativity | Writer’s Relief

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Curate A Writing Playlist That Inspires Creativity | Writer’s Relief

When you’re trying to focus on your writing, ambient noise can be distracting: dogs barking, kids playing, birds chirping, car horns blaring. At Writer’s Relief, we know that music can effectively drown out disruptions, inspire creativity, and help you focus on your work. However, it’s important to choose the right music—you don’t want the playlist you create to be another source of distraction! Here’s how to curate a writing playlist that inspires creativity and sparks your imagination.

Tips For Curating A Playlist That Inspires Your Writing

Select Your Music Platform

Determine which audio and music streaming service you’ll use to curate your playlist. You can choose from Spotify, YouTube, Google Play, and more—many offer free options. When you select music for your playlist, be sure it includes a good number of songs and melodies so that you don’t cycle through your music too fast! A good rule of thumb is that forty songs will provide approximately two hours of music playtime.

Curate An All-Purpose Playlist For Writing

Create a go-to playlist that provides background ambience and helps set the mood for writing. Instrumental and orchestral music with strings and woodwind instruments produce an excellent sound environment. Classical era musicians like Mozart, Baroque era musicians like Vivaldi, or Romantic era musicians like Beethoven are exceptional conduits for inspiration and creativity. For a more modern spin, the music of jazz musicians such as Dizzy Gillespie and Miles Davis can transport you to your writing zone. Don’t include too many songs with lyrics, since the words can draw your attention away from your work in progress.

Make More Than One Playlist To Suit Different Projects

You can curate several different playlists to inspire specific types of stories, novels, or poems you’re writing. Select music that conveys the tone and mood of your project. If you’re writing sci-fi, include some tunes from the Star Wars soundtracks! The music featured in the Bridgerton series (instrumental, Regency era-inspired covers of contemporary songs) can inspire your historical romance writing. Need something for an action scene? Try the “William Tell Overture” to get your blood pumping and your fingers typing!

You can even make multiple playlists for each subplot in your novel: exciting music for the thrilling moments, and romantic music for the meet-cute, sparks fly sections. Switch through your multiple playlists to build your chapters, influence the plot, and inspire different characters’ personalities.

Keep Your Writing Playlist Fresh

Don’t let your playlist become stale and boring—you won’t want to listen to it! Change the songs on your list regularly to keep it fresh and stimulating. Whenever you hear a new song that is intriguing, motivating, or relevant to your writing, be sure to add it to your playlist. Here are some great writing playlists you can look through for music options:

These tips will guide you in creating a writing playlist that will keep you motivated and inspired while blocking unwanted distractions. Choose songs that are perennial favorites, and add new tunes that appeal to your writing sensibilities. You can also rotate your playlists depending on the day, your mood, and what style of writing you are channeling. With the right music playing in the background, your writing will truly sing!


Question: What music do you listen to while writing?





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