Literary Agents

Are you looking for literary agents who might be interested in your writing, book, or novel? If you have completed your book manuscript and are interested in literary agents, we can help you achieve your goals of publication. You can spend countless hours researching literary agents using literary agent guides, directories, and lists, but the Internet is dubious and dangerous, print market books go quickly out of date, and no single literary agent directory is truly accurate.

Writer’s Relief is an author’s submission service that specializes in researching literary agents and literary markets, and preparing book submissions to the best-suited agents and editors for our clients. Our database of literary agents is updated daily and it’s filled with information that no other listing of literary agents offers. Because our clients send their responses from literary agents to us, we have detailed insider information on the agents who will most likely enjoy your book, novel, or manuscript.

We target your personal manuscript submissions to the best-suited literary agents, and we ease the burden of the submission process for you. To learn more about our strategies and services, visit

Or, if you prefer to attempt to secure literary agent representation on your own, you can check out these articles (taken from our free newsletter Submit Write Now!):

How To Land A Literary Agent 

Warning Signs: How To Spot A Literary Agent Scam: Part One 

Top Reasons To Query Agents First 

Creative Writing Submissions Etiquette: Submitting To Literary Agents And Editors 

How To Spot A Literary Agency Scam: Part Two

Researching Literary Markets For Your Work

Our literary agent research team has already done the hard job of weeding through the generic list of the very best literary agents for our clients’ work. A great deal of information available on the Web and in bookstores is out of date, but we have the most current list of the top literary agents available at our fingertips. Contact us and tap into our updated list of the best literary agents.

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“Getting that first poem published was the hardest threshold to cross. My team at Writer’s Relief kept encouraging me…then came the acceptance! We celebrated…then I continued writing, and Writer’s Relief continued doing the wonderful work they do!”

—King Grossman, Writer
(Watch King’s video testimonial here!)

“Every piece I have sent out with their help has been accepted for publication! I am looking forward to working with the team on getting my new novel out into the world.”

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