How To Write A Query Letter

If you’re wondering how to write a query letter that gets literary agents’ attention, we can help. Query letter definition: query letters are cover letters that pitch book manuscripts or proposals to literary agencies that represent fiction or nonfiction (commercial, literary, genre, mainstream, and more). Knowing how to write a query letter is a key part of the process of getting a literary agent and getting published. At Writer’s Relief we know what literary agents and editors at publishing houses are looking for, and we can teach you how to write a query letter. We also write query letters on behalf of our clients.

Writers often fret over the question of how to write a query letter. They worry that they can’t represent their book to literary agents in a one-page query letter. They worry that writing a query letter is too hard and ineffective. Keep in mind that your objective isn’t just to write a pitch for your book manuscript: you are aiming to write a query letter that causes a literary agent to feel eager to see your work. Knowing how to write a good query letter isn’t just about squeezing every last detail of your whole book and bio into one page: it’s about creating a dazzling document that succinctly gives a strong overall impression of you and your writing. If your query letter is good, it will get results.

At Writer’s Relief we can teach you how to write your query letter to literary agents, OR we can write your query letter for you. We’ve been helping new and established writers connect with the best literary agents since 1994. Visit to learn more.

If you’re a do-it-yourself type, read these articles from our free newsletter Submit Write Now! to learn how to write a query letter on your own:

How To Write Cover And Query Letters That Get Attention

How To Write A Query Letter For A Short Story Collection

Self-Publishing: When (Not) To Include Your Self-Published Book In Your Cover Or Query Letter Bio

The Query Letter—From A Marketing Standpoint

Top Reasons To Query Agents First

If you’d like to get the competitive advantage by seeking professional assistance writing a query letter that gets attention, Writer’s Relief can help. We’ve been writing cover and query letters on behalf of novelists and other book authors for over a decade. We know what literary agents are looking for in a query letter, we know how to write a query letter, and we can put our expertise to work for you.

Writer’s Relief is an author’s submission service that helps writers like you connect with the best literary agents and editors. We prepare your query packets and target your writing to the literary agents who are most likely to enjoy your topic and style. We take the tedious paperwork and research out of your hands; we concentrate on writing a great query letter while you do what you love most: write. For more information visit

The Ultimate Query Letter Tool Kit

The Ultimate Query Letter Tool Kit by Writer’s Relief offers you an easy-to-follow, step-by-step blueprint for writing a successful query letter using proven marketing techniques that get results.



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