Book Publishers of Fiction: How To Find Fiction Publishers

Fiction book publishers
are always looking for novels by new fiction writers, but it is difficult to get a foot in the door for your fiction at a publishing house without the help of a literary agent who specializes in fiction. If you are writing fiction and you want your book to be published by a traditional book publisher (not a self-publishing house), you should consider submitting your novel to literary agents and agencies before you submit to book publishers of fiction.

The good news is, Writer’s Relief can help you conquer the intricacies of finding book publishers of fiction. We are an author’s submission service, and our goal is to get your fiction book published by assisting you with the submission process. We are not a publisher of book-length manuscripts, nor are we a literary agency that specializes in novels. We can help you prepare your submissions to literary agencies so that you can get a foot in the door at New York publishing houses that acquire fiction books.

Please visit our Services page for details. We have helped many fiction writers find agents to represent their fiction at publishing houses—and now we can help you!

We have worked with many novelists by preparing and targeting their submissions to the best literary agents (who in turn target fiction book publishers). Finding a book publisher for your fiction is possible. We want to help you reach your goals of publishing your book manuscript at a traditional fiction publishing house.




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“Getting that first poem published was the hardest threshold to cross. My team at Writer’s Relief kept encouraging me…then came the acceptance! We celebrated…then I continued writing, and Writer’s Relief continued doing the wonderful work they do!”

—King Grossman, Writer
(Watch King’s video testimonial here!)

“Every piece I have sent out with their help has been accepted for publication! I am looking forward to working with the team on getting my new novel out into the world.”

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