Which Submissions Are Trending With Literary Journal Editors in 2023—And Which Ones Aren’t

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Deadline: Thursday, April 18th

Submissions Are Trending

Updated November 2023

Wondering what types of writing submissions tend to excite literary journal editors, and which ones they’re most likely to turn down? At Writer’s Relief, we spend hundreds (probably thousands) of hours tracking publishing trends in literary journals so we can give you the scoop on what’s hot right now…and what’s not.

Writing Submissions Trending With Literary Journal Editors

Diversity and minority issues. Many literary journal editors do their best to ensure that minority viewpoints are well-represented. Works pertaining to sexuality, gender, race, class, and social issues have been especially in vogue with literary editors, and there’s no sign of the trend tapering off any time soon. Controversial issues are also sought after by editors.

Lesser-known subject matter. Does your writing introduce readers to something completely unexpected and fresh, such as an obscure event in history…technologies that boggle the mind…or an “exotic” landscape or culture? Editors (and readers!) love to be introduced to new concepts and ideas.

Slice-of-life vignettes. Editors are publishing colorful, evocative, succinct pieces that deliver big emotional and intellectual impact. Slice-of-life vignettes have always been popular, but it’s our theory that online reading and publishing may be driving the increased interest in shorter prose.

Free verse poetry. Free verse continues to be the poetry style favored by most literary journal editors.

What Lit Mag Editors Just Aren’t Into Right Now

Haiku. There are some editors who will publish haiku—but not many. Some officially steer clear of haiku and note it in their submission guidelines. Others aren’t officially putting restrictions on publishing haiku, but we’re not seeing an overwhelming interest in the style right now, unless the literary journal specializes in short form poetry or Japanese forms.

Rhyme. Rhyme is so hard to do well that few editors are publishing any of the rhyming poetry submissions they receive. Some editors have declined to consider rhyming poetry entirely. Learn more about rhyme and lit mag editors.

Slam-style poems. Because slam poetry focuses so strongly on performance art, editors don’t seem to feel that the spoken texts translate well into print. That said, there ARE editors who love slam—whether watching it or reading it.

Really long prose pieces. Except for those literary magazines that have made it their mission to publish long works, most editors prefer shorter prose. So be sure to check guidelines and hit the word count sweet spot. 

Genre and commercial-style writing. Many literary journals decline to publish works that can fall into commercial or mainstream genres (thriller, fantasy, sci-fi, romance, etc). So writers who are willing to do some research can find journals that specifically publish works in commercial genres.

Dogmatically religious works. If what you’re writing is an overt argument in favor of a specific religious or spiritual viewpoint, you may want to submit your work to a journal that is geared toward your beliefs. Editors of literary journals generally tend to turn down writing that supports a specific religious point of view.

Erotica. While a certain amount of graphic sex may be acceptable in the majority of literary journals, pure erotica is best submitted to magazines or anthologies that specialize in sexually explicit writing. Editors will specify in the submission guidelines if they do not accept sexually explicit works of any kind.

Other Trends Some Editors Report Being Tired Of:  Writing based on or inspired by paintings or other artwork; traditional poetry forms (sonnets, pantoums, etc.); nature poems that don’t contribute anything new; poems about pets; travel poems that lack depth.

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And Now For The Fine Print Caveat

Talking about trends in publishing means making broad, sweeping generalizations. And trying to follow these generalizations and write for the market doesn’t necessarily guarantee success. Every literary journal is different; for every editor who enjoys a certain style of writing, you’ll find another who absolutely hates it. Editors who do get excited by so-called “unpopular” styles or topics tend to be very, very excited—and an enthusiastic editor is a true treasure for a writer’s career.

So when you consider what’s trending in writing submissions, take this information with a grain of salt. Don’t let it stop you from writing or submitting what you want. Case in point: One of our clients recently got a glowing response and offer of publication for a sonnet (a rhyming poem) that was inspired by a well-known painting—exactly the opposite of what current trends seem to be favoring. So if your writing is truly compelling, it may be able to rise above any so-called publishing trends. Our research team will pinpoint the best markets for your work and boost your odds of getting published. And that’s a pretty compelling reason to learn more about our services and submit your work to our Review Board today.

In addition to helping clients navigate and submit their work via traditional publishing paths, we also provide affordable and expert self-publishing options. We understand writers and their publishing goals.


  1. Dah

    My advice is:

    Ignore the trends and write from your soul.
    If it’s good it will get accepted.

    I never write about “Diversity and minority issues”.
    My poetry has always been about “Slice-of-life vignettes”
    along with nature, narrative, and metaphysical poetry,
    which never goes out of style because these styles are classic.

    I have had 91 poems published over the past twenty months
    in 40 journals and none of it concerned with
    “Diversity and minority issues”.

    Stick with what’s on your mind and if you try
    writing trendy poetry then you will be
    all over the place with no personal style.

    Good Luck,


  2. Wendy

    “Can’t get enough of” free verse? IMHO, all poetry is a saturated market, and many of the arguments publishers make against even considering rhyming poetry are exactly the arguments I would make against most of the so-called “free verse” that I see. I’ve occasionally bought a poetry mag or two, just to see what’s getting published, and 80% of what’s in them–to put it in musical terms–is atonal: I can’t find any kind of a rhythm to the words, or get a feel for the voice it’s supposedly being spoken in, often getting to the end of it with no idea what the poem’s about at any level.

  3. Diana

    I greatly appreciate this article. There are many ideas that flow through my mind and entangle my thoughts, but l have not taken that first step. Thank you for publishing articles that are an encouragement to everyone despite the wide range of abilities.


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